Which was cool! I think the moment it hit me we were really here was on the 1hr train ride to the subway station. Out the window I saw some rice fields which were laid across the land, and then these houses that looked like something out of a history book along with giant billboards and fancy small cars. It was like somehow tradition and modern life had melded together so well it just seemed right looking at it...So I didn't get so many pictures of that (sorry mom) but I was so tired and so involved in watching this new land pass me by I couldn't bring myself too look away long enough to take a picture. Now I did eventually fall asleep before we hit our stop, but to be fair I was very tired and knew I would have three whole weeks to delve deeper into the mystery that is Japan....
There is so much more, and I will update later, but for now I'll leave you with some shots of the food we ate in the plane (just for you Alice ;-)
There are more, but I'll leave you with the optimistic picture of me before the 11hr flight ;-)
I am so glad you made it there safe. Dont worry too much that you missed photo ops. Shooting the sites is fine but the most important part is embracing/remembering how it makes you FEEL. Be sure to catch the essence of the feeling too! That stays with you forever.
Happy Traveling,
You are amazing! Have a GREAT time! :-)
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