We got bento boxes for the 2hr train ride to Tokyo. Mine was fried pork with rice delicious!

Largest intersection I've ever been in.

Our train to Shebuya


Some fall colors in Tokyo

Satoru and Eli striking a pose at the park

The park/dog park

All of us with Satoru taking the picture

All of us with Tomoko taking the picture

At the park with everyone :-)

Sarah with part of her outfit she bought at the cosplay shop on, the whole thing is super cute!

We went to a park in harajuku after checking out the cosplay. This dog decided he was done walking for a while...

The train to Kyoto was very crowded so for about 30 mins we used the hallway as our seats

Walking home from Kyoto station, we got a good view of Kyoto tower, every city has a tower...

We were hungry after getting back to Kyoto after the 2hr train ride and stumbled across this gem while walking home...

Obviously very good, fantastic even and very crowded.

The food before it was thoroughly devoured ;-)
We then walked the rest of the way home and I quickly jumped in the shower, tried on something I got at the cosplay shop and at around 12AM slipped away to bed. It was a full, but wonderful day and these pictures and descriptions don't cover a fraction of the beauty and magnitude of this place. Sadly though I can only give you echos, I hope though that they will inspire something in you to explore your own surroundings, because no matter where you are there is alway beauty to be seen and adventure waiting just around the next bend...

I decided to go for a walk this morning, after a busy day in Tokyo the day before I needed some reflection time...
Alright guys as much as I love sharing my adventure I find myself needing the time in the morning I post on the blog to do more reflection not on the computer. So for a while at least I'll just post pictures with brief descriptions...I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to go into detail when I get home :-)...