Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rehearsal packing

So six days before my flight to LA I packed my bags together to make sure everything would fit...I had to take out a few things and rearrange a bit, also I'm using more space then I'd like in the big bag, but I think it's worth it so I can take the laptop. Internet access is important that far from home, plus I can back up all my photos and the like so yay!
I have a to-do list a mile long and only one day and two evenings to do it all in. Crazy, yes, but I'll get it done and be able to eat in Japan. Which is a huge plus :-).
Oh where did the time go? I swear it was months away yesterday. Now it's only six days and I'll be stepping on a plane to LA and then off to Japan! Unfortunatly I've already used my one freakout so I have to be calm, collected and well organized here on out. Which shouldn't be too hard, I mean what else can I do, right?
Blogging is weird, but hopefully by the time I'm in Japan or out of Japan I'll have the hang of it :-).


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